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" My   W o r l d w i d e   B e s t s e l l e r s   b o o k s "

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2023 Jesse Jill's Museum Project

Interview  20th  of  January 2020  LONDON


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   For Art Galleries, Interior Designers & Art Collectors 

C.S.: When did you get in mind your own Museum Project?

J.J.: 15 years ago I was counting more than 300 personal art pieces. Each piece was like a part of me. Beeing not in need of money and even if I would have been it was impossible to be separated of any piece of art  What can I do with it? Not enough walls in my home. 

C.S.:  Then  why did you decide to realize your project in Spain?

J.J.: First I was thinking to install it in Miami where my kids are born and the time passing I have chosen to live in Andalousia where I have found a nice quality of life fitting me well.

C.S.: And where exactly , in which city will your projetc emmerge ?

J.J.:To tell you everything, I have planned everything from the content to the sizes of the different rooms, the decoration, the presentation of the different series and the various activities I would like to develop inside.

This first part was already a big job. But now I have to find the ideal place.  Formost, my biggest hope is to create iin Marbella or even Malaga, Seville or any other city depending on the best opportunity.

I am confident in finding great opportunities in the region of Andalusia. 

I always thought that nothing is coming by chance...

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