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" My   W o r l d w i d e   B e s t s e l l e r s   b o o k s "


J E S S E   J A Y 

P  U  B  L  I  S  H  E  R

O F F I C I A L   W E B S I T E

" My   W o r l d w i d e   B e s t s e l l e r s   b o o k s "

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"The Masters' SAGA"

"You too, become an "Insider"...

for who everything is always possible...!"

...discovering today...

 ""It's not what you do not know who's having trouble ...that's what you know for sure and that's totally wrong. ! Raise the veil covering the most protected secrets in the world by occult governments, central banks, the Catholic Church, illuminatis, terrorists ... You will not see the world as it is presented to us ...

...From Miami to Guatemala, from New York to the Brazilian jungle...From Paris to Budapest the characters will drive you through a quest of ideal and suprem knowledge fighting the power of the biggest multinational corportations, the murderous central banks, the perverse religions, the corrupted governments and the state terrorism. They discover through a gradual esoteric teaching how to use the powers or potential enabling them to overcome difficulties standing in their way...

Ancre 1
t's not by chance"

An artist and art collector tired of life arrives in the island paradise of San Pedro in Belize.Visiting the pyramid of Tikal he meets 4 young German researchers studying the Mayan glyphs. They are then suddenly drawn into a frightening global conspiracy while discovering that their destinies have in fact been linked for 500 years.
To survive they must decipher the intrigue of this old conspiracy in which are involved the most dangerous secret pharmacies.

Through a true initiatory quest they discover that ... chance does not exist ...! Moreover, the discovery of their previous lives allows them to lift the veil on the true meaning of their destiny ...
Ebook  12,90 € 
"Apocalypse Year"

Devant survivre à la jungle du pays Maya en usant des pouvoirs du Chaman, Ida et ses proches vont avoir à traverser l’année de l’Apocalypse.

Ces événements de l’année 2001, tout à fait improbables, les amènent à parcourir  le terrible dédale des enfers contemporains traumatisant l’humanité.  

Elle sait désormais que la mission dont elle est investie remonte à 500 ans... et qu'elle était alors la fille de l'Inca. Ses pouvoirs extra-sensoriels  seront-ils suffisants pour survivre à tous les affres.

En quoi consiste le pouvoir secret des "tablettes de diamants"? Et quelles sont les  puissances étrangéres qu'il s'agit d'empécher de les acquérir à tout prix?

Un thriller haletant ou les surprises s'enchainent jusqu'à la derniére page... 

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