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" My   W o r l d w i d e   B e s t s e l l e r s   b o o k s "



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Jesse Jill's Biography

In 2021 Jesse JILL is actively involved in his publishing activities as Author and publisher.
Since the start of the Covid epidemic all art exhibitions planned for 2020 and 2021 have unfortunately been canceled.
This situation led Jesse to conceive a new way of selling art by considering it as the best investment in 2021. And this by offering individuals to acquire paintings at the price usually offered to art galleries, that is to say 50%. of the public price.
This means that any buyer benefits from 100% interest on any purchase value on works of art.
In the same time he continues to promote his own art as well the art of few dozens of great emerging artists he supports and represents.   
He sees great potential in promoting international emerging artists in which  he detects indeniable talents in various Art styles

Jesse JAY .JPG

Early art education


Passionate about drawing since the age of 5. Jesse was spotted right from his entrance in the boarding school by two catholic priests. For six years they taught him the history of art and the great masters ancestral techniques of oil painting.

Animated by a curiosity and a thirst for learning, he quickly absorbed all the know-how that was thus transmitted to him. He earned his living during the summer holidays from the age of 12 years by selling portraits to tourists visiting the castles of the Loire where he lived. 


Studies + passion of Art

He did brilliant studies while devoting his free time to art with more and more passion. Having acquired the technique of the central gaze which is so important in the religious paintings, at 16 years old, the rich Catholic devotees required him paintings of "virgins children", pieta and all the saints of Paradise. At 18, he decided to go up to Paris where he shared his time between the university and painting in Montmartre for foreign tourists. He used to live scrupulously and spare the money he earned with his art.

Copies of the Louvre ... in New York


He always considered that his whole life changed when he answered without hesitation "YES" to the following question: "Are you able to reproduce in oil these three paintings that are in the Louvre?
This is what Mrs. Wiesen asked him, while showing from her book the three pieces of art that she was going to sell to her American clients, whom of course were art lovers. 
He accepted the challenge before even asking how much he would be paid in exchange.
Not only was he paid well beyond his imagination, but he was also graciously invited to New York, where he discovered all the codes of the world of art. He wasn't yet 21 years old.

15 years later ... Religious Art!

    From Art to Ad. Only one step...!

For nine months during a period which had more and more opportunities thanks to Mrs Wiesen who coached him, he never stopped painting. Certain requests were destined for advertisement purposes, then, he discovered his writing talent in addition to the artistic expression.
But it's best to pace yourself. Worn out, exhausted by the sleepless nights he was accumulating, the physique no longer held. He had to resign himself to letting go. He then returned to France, where he realized that it was no longer his world. The lag was too great. He returned to New york where he decided to drop the classical painting, portraits and fresques to open his advertising company. No more painting ...
Long live the international "Ad" !

He developed his activities both in large advertising campaigns and in publishing successfully. Having only continued to paint for pleasure, fate caught up with him when certain religious congregations called upon him to make a few classical paintings. His knowledge of art history and religious iconography led him to create and develop a workshop in San Antonio, Texas and in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. He opened an art gallery in San Antonio, then in Dallas and later in Santa Fe, which became the Mecca of art in North America.

2003 ... The great turn of the accident!

A Historical Museum in DALLAS

In the heart of Dallas in 1996 he created The Dallas Royal European Art Museum (The D.R.E.A.M.) representing the European art of the Renaissance in the Napoleon III period. Furniture of style, characters and paintings reproduced identically. It is thus that it federated the best interior designers who found there a source of history of the art impossible to circumvent to provide their customers in exclusive interior decoration.
Jesse did do dozens of European art workshops to supply the American art market..

Jesse lives his life completely transformed after a terrible accident in June 2003. His mobility being very limited he devoted himself then to the writing. "The Treasure of Leonardo Da Vinci" and his famous "Saga of the Souls" in 9 volumes in which you can find in an atmosphere of thriller numerous anecdotes revealing among others arcana art market. Having completely recovered physically and morally he returns to painting as part of a more intimate pictorial expression no longer suffering from the pressure of interior designers and collectors' orders. He keeps his creations for himself and does not present them in galleries.

He privileges totally the editions of his literary works.


For more than 15 years he has been seriously thinking about creating his own Museum in order to present to the widest audience over 750 Artworks that he has accumulated over time. At the same time, he plans to develop an academy of art essentially open to young talents deserving of serious support such as he benefited during his youth.

He left the US to travel more. He spends two years in Brazil 2014/2015 before returning in Europe where he is looking for his ideal place. He  settled in Andalusia for his light, climate, architecture and the good mood of the Andalusians.

He then feels particularly animated by a wave of creativity by perceiving that he found the harmonious universe that suits him to put down his suitcases and to paint with passion ... more than ever.

The Jesse Jill's Muséum

"I like to paint when Glamour is all over...!"

"As far as I'm concerned, painting is always the pictorial representation of my most intimate psycho-affective keyboard.

Each scene represents the strong emotion of a moment lived or perceived.

This emotion is characterized in the nuances of colors of the moment. Without necessarily having a relation to nostalgia, painting always connects me to the harmony, the glamor of a place or a harmonious situation.

We can fill a canvas with the totality of the sensory perceptions of the scene that suddenly emerges at the heart of our imagination or our memory.

Having witnessed scenes of war of massacres or catastrophes since my youngest age I have never been tempted to represent one of them. I have enclosed all these in the attic of my memory.

I think I am an incorrigible optimist, a passionate idealistic person with the sole desire to share the love of life with those around me. "  Jesse JAY


"  MARBELLA....  MIAMI ... &  LONDON  " The Art cities

Since february 2020 the COVID 19 was closing down so much art galleries worldwide. It was necessary to find a way adapting the sales of art on the market.

Now we propose to the collectors to buy art as the best investment in 2021. We simply propose them the price generally offered to the art galleries, 50% under the public price.

Then this opportunity give to any art lover or collector  to get 100 % of interest on their art investment.

Every artist needs to sale regularly to make a living as well to be able to continue his creation.

It's the right time for investors to look on our Art today...

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